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Ico Traders’ Australian distributors: Forj Living


Good things take a little time & it was a few years in the making for Ico Traders & Forj Living to get together. I first connected with Charlotte, a kiwi girl living in Brisbane, when she specified some Ico pieces for a commercial project in Australia. She had seen our designs here in NZ & knew it would be a perfect fit for her project. It worked! We casually talked about distributing into Australia, then covid hit and the idea was shelved. Charlotte then met & married design enthusiast Scotty & the idea of building on her interior design business meant making contact with me again. We met in person & quickly discovered we had the same ideas of how a business could work, the same respect for the environment, the same values of fairness in work & in life & the same love of food & excellent gin. Slowly & surely we are building a partnership of friendship, respect & business. I am excited and proud to be able to offer my exclusive Ico Traders designs to everyone in Australia, through our distributors Forj Living.

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